
xinzhong street no.48
established in 2011

經過 5 年的歷練和反省,JSC 意識到自己正透過材質的轉化與空間的軟化,逐步實踐"有機現代主義"的精神。未來 JSC 也會繼續與前輩看齊,持續帶給大家盞新的視覺與感官衝擊。

JSC is a design studio based in Taipei, Taiwan. Our interior design services go beyond the inventive use of color, forms, and the sensuous depiction of natural light. We aim for excellence in achieving a perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality in each and every one of our projects. 

JSC design studio座落於民生社區安靜、陽光明媚的一樓。其有別於一般辦公室較為封閉的格局設計,反以陽光與綠意自然進駐的開放式空間代之。對工作者來說,待在辦公室比自家起居空間的時間更長,因此給予員工一個兼具舒適與美感的辦公空間是JSC design studio室內設計的首要宗旨。JSC design studio大方的空間配置予人耳目一新,輕鬆氛圍感染工作的心情與效率,亦助於醞釀設計靈感。

Our studio is located on the ground floor. There are many good restaurants and cafe in our neighborhood. The openness of our studio design allows colleagues to communicate freely. Since we spend more than half of our lives at work, we want employees to be happy while being at the studio. This is the most important thing.


JSC design studio的會議空間為一面向街道的玻璃溫室,綠意與陽光滿溢,正如會議空間之於JSC design studio的重要性。儘管JSC design studio並非位於市中心商業精華地段,但是業主仍樂意前來拜訪。JSC design studio更有定期更新並詳細分類的材質與資料書籍能隨時供業主參考。

Luckily, the meeting space is sunlit all day long, honoring their critical nature to our work. As our studio is well located, yet not in the absolute heart of the city, many of our clients prefer having meetings here, as opposed to their own offices. Seeing that we also have a great collection of material samples and reference objects, not to mention delicious coffee, which definitely makes discussing design projects easier.